segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Gay children

Excelente artigo de opiniao no Independent. E longo mas vale a pena, a serio. No entanto fez-me pensar nisto: ha criancas gay? (ou hetero)

Lancei a questao a um amigo e a resposta foi interessante:

"Of course you can. I was a gay child when I was younger. Obviously there is the difference between being 'sexually aware' or 'sexually active', but even as small children [straight]boys like girls, [gay]boys like boys etc. It was boys I always had crushes on, whether or not I was aware that it was because I was gay the attraction has always been there. Sexuality evolves and changes and it moves through various definitions as you mature, but I was definitely homosexual before I even kissed a boy, as I'm sure heterosexual children are before they kiss their desired sex. And Johann has a point, the worst thing to be called when I was at school was 'your gay' - before I even knew what it was. Before I even knew that was what I was. That can have a hugely detrimental effect on an individual, whether or not they do discover that they are gay. I get what you are saying, but from my experience I can confirm that children can definitely be gay"

*Estou a usar um PC emprestado, sem acentos.

2 comentários:

Marina Ch disse...

Nunca viste isto??


i disse...

nao conhecia! mto bom!