sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

Looking back...

Dizer adeus é sempre complicado. E vem sempre com um protocolo. Abraços, beijos, brindes, muitos emails e muitas promessas de visitas. Tudo isso é sincero e é o único mecanismo que encontramos para sobreviver às partidas.
Mas a verdade é que muda tudo. Porque não voltaremos mais a viver juntos, a discutir os preços do supermercado, a experimentar receitas, a pedir conselhos diários, a fazer parte do dia-a-dia. Cardiff era uma bolha. Uma cidade pequena, com um grupo de amigos delineado. E durante mais de um ano brincámos às casinhas, fizémo-nos adultos, com empregos, responsabilidades, jantaradas cada-um-traz-uma-coisa e idas a pé para o bar da esquina. Na bolha fizémo-nos família. Apadrinhámos romances, segurámos a mão dos que curavam um desgosto de amor. Falámos dos pais, dos primos, dos tios. Demos ao mesmo tempo os primeiros passos profissionais. Juntos fomos desvendando esse país estranho - afinal, porque me perguntam sempre "Areyoualright?", pareço mal?
Nada disto será igual. Claro que nos voltaremos a encontrar e será sempre divertido. Mas não será igual. Nunca mais seremos família. A apesar de saber que nos preparamos para vôos maiores, não deixo de suspirar com uma pontinha de tristeza.
Um sentimento capturado na perfeição nesta música. A música dos adeus esperançosos. Triste mas feliz. Sun, sun, sun, here we come.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

True, but on the other side you probably have a family waiting for you in Macao, and wherever you go.. maybe not that cool BUT still plenty of amazing people who is going to share with you other etaps of your life.. I know it is difficult to think that there is more amazing people than us out there, but you have to go and check, because I have heard about them! And you can go as far as you want, meet as interesting and cool people as you can, we will always be the favourites hahahah no I am kidding :)))) its sad to close an etap, but necessary as well. And close does not mean delete :)

Unknown disse...

Ay… Ini Ini… really nice text, well written and better expressed the goodbye feeling that catches us from time to time. At the end of July, a new one is gonna happen, and as you said: “Tudo isso é sincero e é o único mecanismo que encontramos para sobreviver às partidas.” So true! Nothing is gonna be the same, but if you think about it, it never is. Nothing stays still, Cardiff time is already so much different now from where you Davi and me where living together in our little house, avoiding to buy Coke cos it was too expensive (so funny that moment with Ana’s coke in the fridge!!)

It’s sad but we better get use to it cos life doesn’t forgive and change will always happen, that is the only certain thing! Now you are facing a great new challenge, and a new stage in your life will start. Full of new people, discoveries and experiences. Being the curious and friendly person that you are, I’m sure you will make the most of it and “Macauí” people (hehe or whatever) will love you as much as we do!!

Cardiff ends and a new chapter starts, also for all of us. The graduation, I guess will a bit of a goodbye therapy for all of us, gathering together for “the last time”. I’m sure we will see each other again, but change never stops. In your case it will be a huge move: different language, different culture, different weather (lucky you!!), different everything! But I’m glad to see that you are brave enough to take it and do it! Despite the sadness of the goodbye, that gives you the choice of living a whole new experience, learning… a whole new world! I’m sure you will love it, and if you don’t, then come back, you actually have nothing to lose (apart from money and time, but life is long). You know that people will be here and in Portugal waiting for you, so you always have these doors open, you just chose to move forward!

All the best and congratulations for the job! You will do great and I can’t wait to go and visit you there!!!

Here are some little quotes about change I thought were meaningful :)

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. Arnold Bennett

Change before you have to. Jack Welch

i disse...

OOOOOoooohhhhhh thanks guys! it's nice to know you're still around :)
I will see you very soon! beijinhos for both and one for anetto too!